Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Best First Summary Ever

This past week, I was given the job of summarizing everyone's blogs. Now, I am ashamned to admit that I have not written anything since the questions, but some people have written really wonderful things.

One interesting peice was written by Nieve on Govonor Blanco's speech and the discussion in class. They stated, "So I’m not going to say that I would have enjoyed her speech more if she had talked about this topic instead of that, or criticize her speaking abilities; I’d rather have a political leader who is terrible speaker and a great leader than someone who is a terrible leader and a great speaker." This was written on retrospect of the conversation in class. Interesting, right? I thought so. They should have said it out loud. Its a valid argument. And if you did, Annonymous, then sorry I didn't remember.

I was suprised by how much others had written. Many talked about the chapters we had to read in Deep Blues. A statement written by Ruby X is amazing. Here it is:

... this country was built on a lot of people's pain. It was built on alienation and control. Even the disconsolate and destitute were pitted against each other, often to the benefit of the more affluent members of society.

Got right to the point. The rest of the blog is just as cool. Look it up.

I hope this is what everyone was thinking when I was given the job of writing the summary. All of you wrote really cool things. Good job.

1 comment:

Nic McPhee said...

Thanks for this.

I really liked your use of direct quotes - it shows careful reading and ensures that we know exactly what you're responding to.

Your two specific examples were very nicely chosen and definitely represent some excellent work in our recent blogging. Was there a reason that you chose not to highlight any more?